API Gateway Integration: On-board Apigee On-Prem/SSO
To onboard your Apigee On-Prem/SSO environment into Data Theorem's API security product and grant access to your configuration, the following information is needed:
The name of your Apigee organization.
The Apigee SSO login URL
If using Apigee SaaS with SSO it looks like https://zonename.login.apigee.com/
The username and password for a user with the “API Proxies - View” role.
The URL to the management API
if using Apigee SaaS with SSO, it is https://api.enterprise.apigee.com
If using Apigee On-Prem, it can be exposed via Apigee itself as described at https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/system-administration/configuring-ssl-premises-edge-installation
This information will allow our service to list (with limited read access) your configuration in order to automatically discover resources and APIs.
For Apigee Saas (non-SSO) environments, on-boarding instructions are available at https://datatheorem.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/142508051 .
Creating the “View API Proxies” user
The specific onboarding steps follow for adding a new cloud@datatheorem.com user:
Sign in to your Apigee Edge UI
For Apigee SaaS with SSO: using your SSO login URL
For Apigee On-Prem: using http://ms-ip:9000 as an organization administrator, where ms-ip is the IP address or DNS name of the Management Server node.
In the left menu, select "Admin" and then "Organization Roles".
In the "Custom Roles" section, click on "+ Custom Role"
In the "New Custom Role" page:
Enter "DataTheoremAnalyzer" as the Role Name
In the "API Proxies" section, check "View”
When finished, it should look like this:
Select "Save"
In the left menu, select "Admin" and then "Users".
In the top right, click on "+ User".
In the New User page:
Enter cloud@datatheorem.com as the Email.
Select "DataTheoremAnalyzer" as the Role.
Select "Save"
Email to support@datatheorem.com the following information:
The name of your Apigee organization.
The Apigee SSO login URL
If using Apigee SaaS with SSO it looks like https://zonename.login.apigee.com/
The username and password for the user created in the previous step.
The URL to the management API
if using Apigee SaaS with SSO, it is https://api.enterprise.apigee.com
If using Apigee On-Prem, it can be exposed via Apigee itself as described at https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/system-administration/configuring-ssl-premises-edge-installation