AWS Security Hub Integration

AWS Security Hub Integration

You can configure API/Web/Cloud Secure to export policy violations as findings to AWS Security Hub.

Once enabled, this integration will automatically:

  • Export to AWS Security Hub new Data Theorem policy violations related to your AWS assets.

  • Update the finding in AWS Security Hub, when the corresponding policy violation gets resolved or manually closed.

Setting up the AWS Security Hub integration


To enable the integration, you must have onboarded at least one AWS account in your Data Theorem portal.

Step 1: Authorize Data Theorem to import findings into AWS Security Hub

For each onboarded AWS account, please follow the steps below to set up the integration:

  1. Log in to the AWS Console and go to the AWS Security Hub console.

  2. Click on Integrations.

  3. Search for Data Theorem in the search box.

  4. Click on the “Accept findings” button.

Step 2: Enable the integration in the portal

Enable the AWS Security Integration in the DevSecOps section of the Data Theorem portal.


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