API Protect: AWS Permission-less Onboarding
To observe APIs built with a Lambda function in your AWS account, Data Theorem will generate a CloudFormation template that will run in the protected API’s AWS Account. For security reasons, Data Theorem will maintain a strict separation between DT and your AWS account. Accordingly, we “hand-off” the template for you to execute in your environment without ever granting DT any access.
Data Theorem will not have any new or additional access to your AWS account
Data Theorem will not have any “Write” access in your AWS account
Data Theorem will not have any IAM account, role, or permissions in your AWS account
Complete Onboarding Flow
How We Use CloudFormation To Install API Protect
Clicking “Protect Now” on an API in the DT portal will generate a link to a CloudFormation Template that you will execute in your environment. The CF template does the following:
Create a role that can inspect the configuration of the lambdas to be protected
Create an install Lambda which will run once for the install
Grant the role to our install Lambda
Run the Lambda function to install the latest version of our Lambda Layer
At this point you may delete the CloudFormation stack. Deleting it will also delete the install Lambda and role.
What Install Requires
You will need the ability to login to the AWS console for the account containing the protected APIs. The user you login with must be able to create CloudFormation stacks and Lambdas.