API Integration: SwaggerHub

API Integration: SwaggerHub

Data Theorem can automatically onboard and scan APIs defined in your SwaggerHub account, and will regularly fetch your most up-to-date API definitions from SwaggerHub.

In order to complete the onboarding process, you will need:

  • An account within your SwaggerHub account that has the Owner role.

1. Grant the read-only consumer role to Data Theorem

You need to grant to cloud@datatheorem.com the Consumer role:

  1. Access your organization using an owner/manager account.

  2. Click on the “organization settings” wheel.

  3. In the “Members” tab, invite “cloud@datatheorem.com” and grant this account the Consumer role.

2. Send your organization name to Data Theorem

Send an email to support@datatheorem.com with your SwaggerHub organization name.

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