Scan Blocked
Scan Blocked
If any of your scans do not complete successfully, an error email message will be sent to each user who has access to the app. Scans may be blocked for the following reasons
- Absent Credentials
- The username/password has not been provided for the app. Login to the portal, select the app that has been blocked, and click on the “Scans Blocked” icon in the right hand corner to add the missing credentials. Please note the credentials are not required for Priority Alerts or Baseline subscriptions; however, they are required for Enterprise (Dynamic) subscriptions. While some dynamic analysis can be completed on each app without credentials, it is highly encouraged to provide test credentials for all apps with an Enterprise subscription.
- Create an account with the username as data1@datatheorem.com and ensure it has full access to all features of the app. If the app needs any special data, such as SSN, CC#, or similar, please provide test data as well. Send the username & password to support@datatheorem.com along with the bundle ID of your app
- The username/password has not been provided for the app. Login to the portal, select the app that has been blocked, and click on the “Scans Blocked” icon in the right hand corner to add the missing credentials. Please note the credentials are not required for Priority Alerts or Baseline subscriptions; however, they are required for Enterprise (Dynamic) subscriptions. While some dynamic analysis can be completed on each app without credentials, it is highly encouraged to provide test credentials for all apps with an Enterprise subscription.
- Unstable and/or corrupt binary
- The App is not operating correctly and crashes often; therefore, any results from the scans cannot be considered complete as there is no guarantee all the flows were executed. In this case, a new binary file should be upload to the system that is stable and does not crash.
, multiple selections available,
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