User Roles
User Roles
A user can have one of the following roles within the portal
- Manager - a manager account is a "Customer Admin", where they have access to all results. They additionally have the following access
- Invite new users to the portal.
- Modify issues including commenting and updating an issue's priority or status including closing any issue at anytime.
- Create and view API keys for integrations or accessing the results of different products within Data Theorem.
- Link PreProd apps to the related App/Play Store app or unlink them.
- Label an app as an Enterprise (Internal) app or remove the label.
- Share apps and findings among the different Data Theorem products.
- Security - a security account has access to zero apps by default, but must be given access to apps by a manager account. They have the following access
- Modify issues including commenting and updating an issue's priority or status including closing any issue at anytime.
- Link PreProd apps to the related App/Play Store app or unlink them.
- Label an app as an Enterprise (Internal) app or remove the label.
- Share apps and findings among the different Data Theorem products.
- Security (All Apps) - a security account has the same access to a security account but they have access to all the apps within an organization by default.
- Developer - a developer account has access to zero apps by default, but must be given access to apps by a manager account. They have the following access
- Comment on issues only, they cannot modify or close issues.
- Link PreProd apps to the related App/Play Store app or unlink them.
- Label an app as an Enterprise (Internal) app or remove the label.
- Share apps and findings within App Secure.
- A developer account has access to zero apps by default, and cannot close issues either. The developer account is basically a read-only account to the apps that the developer has access to.
- Developer (All Apps) - a developer account has the same access to a developer account but they have access to all the apps within an organization by default.
, multiple selections available,
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