Pre-Production Scans: Uploads via JetBrains TeamCity

Pre-Production Scans: Uploads via JetBrains TeamCity

Quickstart guide

This article describes how to configure JetBrains TeamCity to automatically upload mobile app binaries to Data Theorem for scanning. 

Step 1: retrieving the Upload API key

Follow the instructions in the step 1 of the Pre-Production Scans: Uploads via CI/CD article.

Step 2: adding the Upload API key as an environment variable

Add your Upload API key retrieved in step 1 as a hidden password type environment variable called DT_UPLOAD_API_KEY in your build parameters.

Project → Build Configuration Settings → Parameters → Add new parameter

Step 3: creating a new build step

Add a new "Script" step at any point in your workflow after a signed IPA or APK has been generated:

Build Steps → Add build step → Command line

Add the following script, adapting <PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE> according on your build output:

#!/usr/bin/env bash # Fail if any commands fails set -ex # Generate an upload link step1_response=$(curl -X POST -H "Authorization: APIKey ${DT_UPLOAD_API_KEY}" --data "" https://api.securetheorem.com/uploadapi/v1/upload_init) # Extract the "upload_url" from the response of the first request using a python command. upload_url=$(echo ${step1_response} | python -c 'from json import load; from sys import stdin; print(load(stdin)["upload_url"])') # Alternatively, you can use: # upload_url=$(echo ${step1_response} | jq --raw-output '.upload_url') echo ${upload_url} # Send the apk at the upload link step2_response=$(curl -F file=@${APK_PATH} ${upload_url}) echo ${step2_response}


Save the build step and the integration should be ready. After configuring it, your build steps should look like this:

Once the CI/CD uploads are enabled, pre-production scans will be completed automatically. Please note:

  • Scan alerts will still be sent when pre-production scans start and complete

  • Public app store releases will still be scanned as well

  • All results will be published to the portal (where pre-prod apps are labeled as “PreProd”)

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