API Protect: Gloo Edge Agent Deployment

API Protect: Gloo Edge Agent Deployment


The Data Theorem API Protect Gloo Edge agent can be deployed to one or several kubernetes clusters in order to monitor and collect data about incoming API requests. The data is then sent to Data Theorem’s platform for further analysis, in order to automatically discover APIs and detect attacks.


Deploying the agent requires a configured Gloo Edge installation and the zip archive you should receive during oboarding.

If you haven’t received the zip archive yet, please contact support@datatheorem.com.

These instructions will enable traffic mirroring for selected incoming requests; the request will be sent to Data Theorem’s traffic analyzer services.


Step 1 : Extract all the items which you should receive during the onboarding process.

unzip DataTheorem-APIProtect-GLOO.zip

Step 2 : Verify you are configured for the correct kubernetes cluster

kubectl config current-context

Step 3 : Install the API Protect for a given upstream

Find existing upstream configurations

glooctl get upstream

Step 4 : Choose an upstream to mirror and list its endpoints e.g "default-petstore-8080"

Add mirroring to the chosen endpoint. This step must be repeated for each endpoint.

KUBE_UPSTREAM_NAMESPACE=default KUBE_UPSTREAM_NAME=petstore KUBE_UPSTREAM_PORT=8080 printf -v UPSTREAM_ID "%05d" $(helm -n datatheorem list --filter 'gloo-vtap-endpoint' | wc -l) helm install "gloo-vtap-endpoint-${UPSTREAM_ID}" \ ./gloo_vtap_endpoint \\ --create-namespace \\ --namespace datatheorem \\ --set kubeUpstreamNamespace=${KUBE_UPSTREAM_NAMESPACE} \\ --set kubeUpstreamName=${KUBE_UPSTREAM_NAME} \\ --set kubeUpstreamPort=${KUBE_UPSTREAM_PORT}

Step 9 : Verify the deployment

It should look something like this

helm list -n datatheorem NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION gloo-vtap-endpoint-00001 datatheorem 1 2023-06-20 11:56:08.223009524 +0100 CET deployed apiprotect_gloo_vtap-1.0.0 1.0.5

Test the deployment


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