Data Theorem AWS Installer For Severless APIs
The Data Theorem Installer manages AWS resources for the security, discovery, testing, and protection of serverless APIs. Once a day, the installer inspects your AWS environment for unprotected serverless APIs then it adds a Lambda extension to protect them.
The Data Theorem AWS Installer is packaged as a CloudFormation template that installs a Step Function and state machine to coordinate the discovery and protection of serverless APIs. The Step Function looks for new or unprotected serverless APIs and adds a Lambda Extension to monitor and protect them.
Installer Resources
All resources created by the AWS Installer are named and tagged to easily identify and managed them in your AWS accounts.
Logical ID | Type |
DataTheoremAwsInstallerAPIConnector | AWS::Events::Connection |
DataTheoremAwsInstallerSecret | AWS::SecretsManager::Secret |
DataTheoremAwsInstallerStateMachine | AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine |
DataTheoremAwsInstallerStateMachineDataTheoremInstallerExecutionSchedule | AWS::Events::Rule |
DataTheoremAwsInstallerStateMachineDataTheoremInstallerExecutionScheduleRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
DataTheoremAwsInstallerStateMachineRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
ExecuteInstallerOnCreateOrUpdate | AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource |
InstallerFunction | AWS::Lambda::Function |
InstallerFunctionRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
PlannerFunction | AWS::Lambda::Function |
PlannerFunctionRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
TriggerFunction | AWS::Lambda::Function |
TriggerFunctionRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
Permissions Required To Deploy The CloudFormation Template
The resources required for the Data Theorem Installer are named to facilitate the scoping of required permissions.