Step 1: Deploy the Data Theorem Agent In Your Environment
Because API Protect does not send any of your request data to Data Theorem, our API Protect agent needs to be deployed in your environment. We package our agent for deployment as a Kubernetes Service, a Docker Compose service, and a Podman pod. We can also quickly and easily provide different packages on request.
Deploy Agent as Kubernetes Service
# unzip the agent software you download from our portal unzip # untar the agent Helm chart tar xf vtap_agent_helm_charts.tgz # deploy the agent Helm chart to your Kuberenetes cluster helm install vtap-agent \ ./vtap_agent \ --create-namespace \ --namespace datatheorem \ --set bearerToken=$(cat .dt_client_id)
Deploy Agent as Docker Compose Service
Extract the archive
Now we must generate an API Key for our the Cloudflare worker to talk to our services. This is to be a unique string which is not easily guessable. An example of how to retrieve such as string would be Keep track of this value for later to set during the worker setup
FORWARDER_TOKEN=$(python3 -c "import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4())") echo $FORWARDER_TOKEN # save for later
In the directory where the archive has been uncompressed, to start the services of the network traffic analyzer run the following command:
FORWARD_URL="http://ps:8081/cfw/" FORWARDER_TOKEN="${FORWARDER_TOKEN}" BEARER_TOKEN=[DATA_THEOREM_API_PROTECT_API_KEY] \ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-forwarder.yml up -d
To verify the network traffic analyzer services have started properly run the following command:
docker container ls -a
If the services have started properly you should see something mostly the same as the following:
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES a93a4aa47f56 "sh -c 'uvicorn main…" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours>8080/tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp ubuntu_forwarder_1 54687934ebff "python" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours ubuntu_tds_1 72a6394feb74 "python" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours ubuntu_oas_1 c826c6dd3401 "uvicorn main:app --…" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours>8081/tcp, :::8081->8081/tcp ubuntu_ps_1 6a33c00250d8 "python" 3 hours ago Exited (0) 3 hours ago ubuntu_startup-tasks_1 1f35cc793563 redis:alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours 6379/tcp ubuntu_redis_1
Once the agent is deployed, make note of the agent’s HTTPS URL so you can add it to the Cloudflare Worker’s environment as the DATA_THEOREM_SERVICE_URL
Step 2: Add Data Theorem Integration Code to your Cloudflare Workers
API Protect has two modes of operation, observability mode and blocking mode. In observability mode, your API traffic is analyzed asynchronously, which minimizes latency, but cannot block requests even if we detect attacks or other malicious activity. In blocking mode, our analysis happens before the request is forwarded, so attacks will be blocked, but the latency will be slightly higher.
We recommend using observability mode initially then turning on blocking.
Deploy In Observability Mode
Extract the archive
The network analyzer services are not HTTPS accessible by default and require a HTTPS Load balancer in place to direct traffic to it.
Edit the file worker/wrangler.toml
with your HTTPS hostname (no <https://
The API Protect for Cloudflare Workers software package you download from our portal will contain a client_id we generate to authenticate your
services with our system.
It will also contain instructions and code examples that demonstrate how to add our integration to your existing Cloudflare Worker code.
npx wrangler publish src/index.js --name my-worker
Now with the worker deployed you must add a secret for the FORWARDER_TOKEN
through the UI.
Which would look like: