The following steps allow organizations to automatically scan pre-production releases of their mobiles apps using Gitlab CI/CD

Quickstart guide

The Upload API can be used to upload PreProd mobile binaries directly to Data Theorem for scanning. The full documentation is available at:

Step 1: retrieving the Upload API key

First, you will need to retrieve your organization's Upload API key from the portal, at within the “API Key” section:

Step 2: configuring an upload step in CI/CD

Gitlab CI/CD allows running bash commands as a deploy step within the gitlab-ci.yml file. A new step should be added at the end of your existing mobile pipeline to upload the signed application binary (APK or IPA) to Data Theorem.

This new upload step requires:

You can create an environment variable if you are maintainer of the project by accessing project Settings → CI / CD → Variables
You should restrict DATA_THEOREM_UPLOAD_API_KEY access to protected branch only or at least mask the environment variable

The following Gitlab CI step can then be used as the upload step:

  # Deploy the generated apk to Data Theorem
  stage: deploy
  # jq will simplify extraction of the upload_url from the upload_init response
  - apt-get --quiet update --yes
  - apt-get --quiet install --yes jq
  # The plugin needs a valid customer API Key from Data Theorem. To find your API Key, you can connect to using your Data Theorem user account
  # You should store privately your API Key on gitlab: 

  # Generate an upload link 
  - export upload_url=$(curl -X POST -H "Authorization:APIKey $DATA_THEOREM_UPLOAD_API_KEY"  --data "" | jq -r ".upload_url")
  - echo $upload_url
  # Send the apk at the upload link
  - curl -F file=@<PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE> $upload_url

Once the CI/CD uploads are enabled, pre-production scans will be completed automatically. Please note:

Additional Resources

You can download a complete example here:
This example runs tests on a simple android project, then builds an APK, and then uploads it to Data Theorem Mobile.