The following steps allow organizations to automatically scan pre-production releases of their mobiles apps using existing developer tools and processes. DevOps can fully automate the SDLC by integrating our API to existing CI/CD tools such as Travis CI, Jenkins, Bitrise, fastlane, Xcode server, etc.

Quickstart guide

The Upload API can be used to upload PreProd mobile binaries directly to Data Theorem for scanning. The full documentation is available at:

Step 1: retrieving the Upload API key

First, you will need to retrieve your organization's Upload API key from the portal, at within the “API Key” section:

Step 2: configuring an upload step in CI/CD

Most CI/CD systems (Travis CI, Bitrise, CircleCI, etc.) allow running a bash script as a step within the CI pipeline. A new step should be added at the end of your existing mobile pipeline to upload the signed application binary (APK or IPA) to Data Theorem.

This new upload step requires:

The following bash script can then be used as the upload step:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Fail if any commands fails
set -e

# Step 1: get the upload URL
step1_response=$(curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ${DT_UPLOAD_API_KEY}"  --data ""             
upload_url=$(echo ${step1_response} | cut -f 3 -d" "  | tr -d '"')

# Step 2: upload the APK
step2_response=$(curl -F file=@${SIGNED_BINARY_PATH} ${upload_url} --retry 3)

Once the CI/CD uploads are enabled, pre-production scans will be completed automatically. Please note:

Additional Resources

More detailed guides are available for specific CI/CD systems: