Severity Definitions:

HighThe type of data exposed is considered regulated PII, PCI, PHI, PFI, Confidential, Sensitive, or Private. Further, the exposure will lead to brand/reputational damage, compliance issues, and/or financial losses.
MediumThe type of data exposed may be considered regulated PII, PCI, PHI, PFI, Confidential, Sensitive, or Private. Further, the exposure may lead to brand/reputational damage, compliance issues, and/or financial losses.
LowThe type of data exposed could be considered regulated PII, PCI, PHI, PFI, Confidential, Sensitive, or Private. Further, the exposure could lead to brand/reputational damage, compliance issues, and/or financial losses.

Exploit-ability Definitions:

EasyThe data exposure is easy to exploit.
ModerateThe data exposure is moderately difficult to exploit.
DifficultThe data exposure is difficult to exploit.