This document describes how to setup an environment to access and use the Mobile Protect SDK for iOS distributed via CocoaPods.

Step 1: Add API Key to .netrc

To fetch the Mobile Protect SDK via CocoaPods, an API key is needed. If you haven’t received an API key for Mobile Protect, please contact sales or support.

The API key should be added to your netrc file, which will be used automatically by CocoaPods, curl and git when fetching the SDK.

Add the following entry to the file at ~/.netrc:


Replacing {MOBILEPROTECT_REPO_API_KEY} with the Mobile Protect API key.

Step 2: Add Mobile Protect to the Podfile

In your project’s Podfile, add the dependency to the Mobile Protect SDK:

target 'MyAwesomeApp' do

  pod 'MobileProtect', '22.3.7'

And then run pod install to retrieve the pods for the project. See for deciding if pinning the pod versions is the best practice for your project.