Pre-Requisite: In order to complete the following onboard steps you will need to have privileges to: create a new GCP project, create a service account, and modify your organizations IAM policy.

A video tutorial describing the GCP onboarding process is available here.

Step 1: Creating a new GCP project

Click on and create a new project. Ensure that the project gets created in your organization.

Step 2: Enabling APIs for the new project

Click on each link below and then “Enable API” button near the top of the page. Ensure that the newly created project is currently selected in the project list drop down.

Step 3: Create a service account in the new GCP project

Go to and then:

  1. Enter any name for the “Service account name” of “DataTheoremDiscovery”. For the description field, enter a meaningful description such as:
    "This service account will be used by Data Theorem to perform resource discovery".
    Click on Create near the bottom.
  2. Click on “Continue” on the Service Account Permissions page. You will be adding permissions later.
  3. On the final page, click on “+ CREATE KEY” near the bottom of the page. On the right sidebar, ensure “JSON” is selected and then click on CREATE. Save the JSON (used in Step 6) file. Close the warning dialog that may appear.
  4. Click on “DONE” near the bottom of the page.
  5. Copy the email of the new service account that will now appear in the list of service accounts for your new project

Step 4: Add the new service account as a member to your organization

Go to and then:

  1. At the top of the page, click the project selection drop-down list (the down arrow). In the window that appears, click on “ALL”  above the table, and then select your Organization (building icon) from the list of items.
  2. Click on ADD near the top of the page.
  3. In the sidebar that will appear from the right, add the newly created service account’s email in the “New members” field
  4. Click on select a role, and type in “Security Reviewer”, select the “Security Reviewer” role from the list below the input field.
  5. Click on Add Another Role and do the same as above for “Firebase Viewer
  6. Click on Add Another Role and do the same as above for “Service Controller
  7. Click on Add Another Role and do the same as above for “App Engine Viewer
  8. Finally, click on “Save

Step 5: Get your organization ID

Go to and then, at the top of the page, click on the project selection drop-down list (the down arrow). On the window that appears, on the right side, click the three vertical dots, then click Settings. Your organization id will appear on the settings page.

Step 6: Send the JSON file and organization ID to Data Theorem

Send the JSON file (from Step 3) and organization ID (from step 5) to

Extra Resources: