This document is a tutorial for installing, onboarding, configuring and using the Data Theorem Slack App

The slack bot main features are:


  1. Go to and click on the Add to Slack button

  2. Then click on the Allow button

  3. Open slack app


  1. On the sidebar you should have an App section with the Data Theorem app, click on it to start onboarding

  2. When clicking on the “onboard” button you will have a modal asking to select the default channel for notifications. The minimum relevance is the minimum severity of the Policy Violations that will be notified. Once done click on the “Next” button

Send the identifier to to complete the process.

When the onboarding process is complete, you should see that Data Theorem has joined the default notification channel selected earlier.


Now you are onboarded, you can configure channels to receive notifications for Policy Violations from different assets groups

  1. From the Data Theorem Slack App Home page, click on the “Add” button to add a new channel configuration

  2. Then choose an Asset Group, a Channel and a minimum Relevance, note that different Asset Groups can be routed to the same Channel, as well as the same Asset Group to multiple Channels.

  3. Then you should see that the configuration has been set in the corresponding channel

  4. And you can retrieve your configurations in the App Home page for further modifications.


You will start to receive notifications in the configured channels.

These notifications will have the main informations about the Policy Violation and the asset linked to it.

You can interact with these notifications by the following:

You can also paste Data Theorem links, they will be detected and provide the same actions as notifications