The Data Theorem Installer manages integrations for security, discovery, testing, and protection of serverless APIs. Once a day, the installer inspects your AWS environment for unprotected serverless APIs then it adds a Lambda extension to protect them.
AWS Installer CloudFormation Template
Resources Created
Logical ID | Type |
DataTheoremAwsInstallerAPIConnector | AWS::Events::Connection |
DataTheoremAwsInstallerSecret | AWS::SecretsManager::Secret |
DataTheoremAwsInstallerStateMachine | AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine |
DataTheoremAwsInstallerStateMachineDataTheoremInstallerExecutionSchedule | AWS::Events::Rule |
DataTheoremAwsInstallerStateMachineDataTheoremInstallerExecutionScheduleRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
DataTheoremAwsInstallerStateMachineRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
ExecuteInstallerOnCreateOrUpdate | AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource |
InstallerFunction | AWS::Lambda::Function |
InstallerFunctionRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
PlannerFunction | AWS::Lambda::Function |
PlannerFunctionRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
TriggerFunction | AWS::Lambda::Function |
TriggerFunctionRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
Permissions Required
The resources required for the Data Theorem Installer are named to facilitate the scoping of required permissions.