Code Block |
env: SIGNED_BINARY_PATH: "app-debug.apk" steps: - label: "Build Mobile App Binary" command: "echo 'Example monile binary build step...'" - label: "Upload Mobile App Binary to Data Theorem for scanning" command: " echo 'Get upload url'; step1_response=$(curl -s -w '%{http_code}' -X POST -H \"Authorization: APIKey \\$DT_UPLOAD_API_KEY\" --data '' https://api.securetheorem.com/uploadapi/v1/upload_init); http_code=\\${step1_response: -3}; response_body=\\${step1_response::-3}; [ ! \\${http_code} -eq 200 ] && echo \\${response_body} && exit 1; upload_url=\\$(echo \\${response_body} | jq -r \".upload_url\"); echo \\$upload_url; echo 'Upload app'; step2_response=$(curl --fail-with-body -F file=@${SIGNED_BINARY_PATH} \\${upload_url}) && echo \\$step2_response; " |
In the Buildkite UI, it should look like this:
After running the step, you should get an output like this
Once the CI/CD uploads are enabled, pre-production scans will be completed automatically. Please note:
Scan alerts will still be sent when pre-production scans start and complete
Public app store releases will still be scanned as well
All results will be published to the portal (where pre-prod apps are labeled as “PreProd”)