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Note: if your project does not yet have a pipeline, please refer to Bitbucket’s documentation on how to create one to build your application, before continuing with this guide

Step 1:


Retrieving the Upload API key

First, you will need to retrieve your organization's Upload API key from the portal, at  within the “API Key” section:


Step 2:


Adding the Upload API key as an environment variable

Add your Upload API key retrieved in step 1 as a secure environment variable called DT_UPLOAD_API_KEY in your repository’s variables:


Step 3:


Defining an artifact for an existing pipeline step

In order to upload a mobile binary, it must first be defined as an artifact in one of your pipeline’s steps inside your project’s bitbucket-pipelines.yml.


Code Block
        - step:
            name: 'Build app'
              - ./gradlew assembleRelease
              - ...
              - build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk

Step 4:


Add a step to upload the binary to Data Theorem

Add the following step to your pipeline following the previous one responsible for building the artifact:


Note that the value of SIGNED_BINARY_PATH should be replaced with the path of the artifact defined in the previous step. In the above example that would be build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk.

Step 5:


Save and deploy

Save and commit the changes to bitbucket-pipelines.yml. The pipeline is now ready. Once the CI/CD uploads are completed, pre-production scans will be run automatically. Please note:
