This article describes the process for configuring automated uploads of mobile app builds to Data Theorem, from a CI/CD pipeline in Screwdriver. At the high-level the process is the following:
Please visit and copy the key labeled as “Upload API Key”.
Step 2: Save the Upload API Key as a Secret in Screwdriver
Info |
The environment variable Please see the documentation for details and other environment variable |
Step 4: Create a bash script for uploading a build to Data Theorem
Code Block | ||||||||
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Purpose of this script is to send mobile binary builds to Data Theoerm's Upload API
# Example call:
# ./ path/to/mobile/binary/to/upload
# Fail if any commands fails
set -ex
for (( retry = 0; retry < maxRetries; retry++ ))
# Step 1: get the upload URL
echo "Get upload url"
step1_response=$(curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X POST -H "Authorization: APIKey ${DT_UPLOAD_API_KEY}" --data ""
http_code=${step1_response: -3}
# For older versions of bash e.g. GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin21)
# response_body=${step1_response%???}
# http_code=${step1_response#${response_body}}
# Check that http status code is 200
[ ! ${http_code} -eq 200 ] && echo ${response_body} && exit 1
upload_url=$(echo ${response_body} | jq -r ".upload_url")
echo ${upload_url}
# Step 2: upload the APK
echo "Upload app"
step2_response=$(curl -F file=@${1} ${upload_url}) && echo ${step2_response} && break
if [ ${retry} -ge ${maxRetries} ]; then
echo "Upload failed after ${maxRetries} attempts"
exit 1