Navigate to Create Role page on AWS by clicking here
The link will pre-fill Data Theorem's account ID
You need to fill the External ID field by generating a random password. We suggest one of the following:
Generate from terminal:
openssl rand -base64 32
Keep the External ID somewhere temporarily as you will need it later.
Ensure the field Account ID and External ID are filled
Select Next: Permissions
in the search box and then select its checkboxErase the search box, and enter
. Select its checkboxSelect Next: Review and enter the following for the name:
Ensure it has the two SecurityAudit and DataTheorem-APIGateway-SecurityAudit policies enabled
Select Create role
Select on the newly created role
Copy the Role ARN value on the top of the page .and keep it somewhere temporarily as you will need it later
Onboarding an AWS environment via API